Takes two arguments target
and arg
, where both are columns or column expressions in the queried dataset. ARGMIN_AGG finds the row with the lowest non-null value in target
and returns the value of arg
in that row. If multiple rows contain the lowest target
value, ARGMIN_AGG returns arg
from the first row that it finds. Use the WITHIN GROUP ORDER BY clause to control which row ARGMMIN_AGG finds first.
Behavior type
Immutable if the WITHIN GROUP ORDER BY clause specifies a column or set of columns that resolves to unique values within the group; otherwise Volatile.
ARGMIN_AGG ( target, arg ) [ within-group-order-by-clause ]
- Columns in the queried dataset.
- [within-group-order-by-clause](/sql-reference/functions/aggregate-functions/within-group-order-by-clause.html)
- Sorts target values within each group of rows:
WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY { column-expression[ sort-qualifiers ] }[,...])
Use this clause to determine which row is returned when multiple rows contain the lowest target value; otherwise, results are likely to vary with each iteration of the same query.
WITHIN GROUP ORDER BY can consume a large amount of memory per group. To minimize memory consumption, create projections that support GROUPBY PIPELINED.
The following example calls ARGMIN_AGG in a WITH clause to find the lowest salary among all employees in each region, and returns with the lowest-paid employee IDs. The primary query returns with the salary amounts and employee names:
=> WITH msr (employee_region, emp_id) AS
(SELECT employee_region, argmin_agg(annual_salary, employee_key) lowest_paid_employee FROM employee_dim GROUP BY employee_region)
SELECT msr.employee_region, ed.annual_salary AS lowest_salary, ed.employee_first_name||' '||ed.employee_last_name AS employee_name
FROM msr JOIN employee_dim ed ON msr.emp_id = ed.employee_key ORDER BY annual_salary DESC;
employee_region | lowest_salary | employee_name
NorthWest | 20913 | Raja Garnett
SouthWest | 20750 | Seth Moore
West | 20443 | Midori Taylor
South | 20363 | David Bauer
East | 20306 | Craig Jefferson
MidWest | 20264 | Dean Vu
(6 rows)