Launch tool options

Use the vkconfig script's launch tool to assign a name to a scheduler instance.

Use the vkconfig script's launch tool to assign a name to a scheduler instance.


vkconfig launch [options...]
--enable-ssl {true|false}
(Optional) Enables SSL authentication between Kafka and Vertica . For more information, refer to TLS/SSL encryption with Kafka.
--ssl-ca-alias alias
The user-defined alias of the root certifying authority you are using to authenticate communication between Vertica and Kafka. This parameter is used only when SSL is enabled.
--ssl-key-alias alias
The user-defined alias of the key/certificate pair you are using to authenticate communication between Vertica and Kafka. This parameter is used only when SSL is enabled.
--ssl-key-password password
The password used to create your SSL key. This parameter is used only when SSL is enabled.
--instance-name name
(Optional) Allows you to name the process running the scheduler. You can use this command when viewing the scheduler_history table, to find which instance is currently running.

--kafka_conf 'kafka_configuration_setting'

A JSON-formatted object of option/value pairs to pass directly to the rdkafka library. This is the library Vertica uses to communicate with Kafka. You can use this parameter to directly set configuration options that are not available through the Vertica integration with Kafka. See Directly setting Kafka library options for details.

--kafka_conf_secret 'kafka_configuration_setting'

Conceals sensitive configuration data that you must pass directly to the rdkafka library, such as passwords. This parameter accepts settings in the same format as kafka_conf.

Values passed to this parameter are not logged or stored in system tables.

See Common vkconfig script options for options that are available in all of the vkconfig tools.


This example shows how you can launch the scheduler defined in the myscheduler.conf config file and give it the instance name PrimaryScheduler:

$ nohup /opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig launch --instance-name PrimaryScheduler \
  --conf myscheduler.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &

This example shows how you can launch an instance named SecureScheduler with SSL enabled:

$ nohup /opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig launch --instance-name SecureScheduler --enable-SSL true \
                                                  --ssl-ca-alias authenticcert --ssl-key-alias ourkey \
                                                  --ssl-key-password secret \
                                                  --conf myscheduler.conf \
                                                  >/dev/null 2>&1 &