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Partition functions

This section contains partition management functions specific to Vertica.

This section contains partition management functions specific to Vertica.


Groups DATE partition keys into a hierarchy of years, months, and days.

Groups DATE partition keys into a hierarchy of years, months, and days. The Tuple Mover regularly evaluates partition keys against the current date, and merges partitions as needed into the appropriate year and month partition groups.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CALENDAR_HIERARCHY_DAY( partition-expression[, active-months[, active-years] ] )


The DATE expression on which to group partition keys, which must be identical to the table's PARTITION BY expression.
How many months preceding the current month to store unique partition keys in separate partitions, a positive integer.

A value of 1 means only partition keys of the current month are stored in separate partitions.

A value of 0 means all partition keys of the current month are merged into a partition group for that month.

For details, see Hierarchical partitioning.

Default: 2

How many years preceding the current year to partition group keys by month in separate partitions, a positive integer.

A value of 1 means only partition keys of the current year are stored in month partition groups.

A value of 0 means all partition keys of the current and previous years are merged into year partition groups.

For details, see Hierarchical partitioning.

Default: 2


Use this function in the GROUP BY expression of a table partition clause:

PARTITION BY partition-expression
     group-expression [, active-months[, active-years] ] )

For example:

=> CREATE TABLE public.store_orders
    order_no int,
    order_date timestamp NOT NULL,
    shipper varchar(20),
    ship_date date
=> ALTER TABLE public.store_orders
      PARTITION BY order_date::DATE


See Hierarchical partitioning.


Copies partitions from one table to another.

Copies partitions from one table to another. This lightweight partition copy increases performance by initially sharing the same storage between two tables. After the copy operation is complete, the tables are independent of each other. Users can perform operations on one table without impacting the other. These operations can increase the overall storage required for both tables.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



    '[[{namespace. | database. }]schema.]source-table',
    '[[{namespace. | database. }]schema.]target-table'
     [, 'force-split']


{ namespace. | database. }
Name of the database or namespace that contains table, depending on the mode of the database:
  • Eon Mode: name of the namespace to which the table belongs. If no namespace is specified, the table is assumed to be in the default_namespace. The namespaces of staging-table and target-table must have the same shard count.
  • Enterprise Mode: name of the database. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.
Name of the schema, by default public. If you specify the namespace or database name, you must provide the schema name, even if the schema is public.
The source table of the partitions to copy.
min-range-value, max-range-value
The minimum and maximum value of partition keys to copy, where min‑range‑value must be ≤ max‑range‑value. To specify a single partition key, min‑range‑value and max‑range‑value must be equal.
The target table of the partitions to copy. If the table does not exist, Vertica creates a table from the source table's definition, by calling CREATE TABLE with LIKE and INCLUDING PROJECTIONS clause. The new table inherits ownership from the source table. For details, see Replicating a table.

Optional Boolean argument, specifies whether to split ROS containers if the range of partition keys spans multiple containers or part of a single container:

  • true: Split ROS containers as needed.

  • false (default): Return with an error if ROS containers must be split to implement this operation.


Non-superuser, one of the following:

  • Owner of source and target tables

  • TRUNCATE (if force-split is true) and SELECT on the source table, INSERT on the target table

If the target table does not exist, you must also have CREATE privileges on the target schema to enable table creation.

Table attribute requirements

The following attributes of both tables must be identical:

  • Column definitions, including NULL/NOT NULL constraints

  • Segmentation

  • Partition clause

  • Number of projections

  • Shard count (Eon Mode only)

  • Projection sort order

  • Primary and unique key constraints. However, the key constraints do not have to be identically enabled. For more information on constraints, see Constraints.

  • Check constraints. For MOVE_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE and COPY_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE, Vertica enforces enabled check constraints on the target table only. For SWAP_PARTITIONS_BETWEEN_TABLES, Vertica enforces enabled check constraints on both tables. If there is a violation of an enabled check constraint, Vertica rolls back the operation.

  • Number and definitions of text indices.

Additionally, If access policies exist on the source table, the following must be true:

  • Access policies on both tables must be identical.

  • One of the following must be true:

    • The executing user owns the source table.

    • AccessPolicyManagementSuperuserOnly is set to true. See Managing access policies for details.

Table restrictions

The following restrictions apply to the source and target tables:

  • If the source and target partitions are in different storage tiers, Vertica returns a warning but the operation proceeds. The partitions remain in their existing storage tier.

  • The target table cannot be immutable.

  • The following tables cannot be used as sources or targets:

    • Temporary tables

    • Virtual tables

    • System tables

    • External tables


If you call COPY_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE and the target table does not exist, the function creates the table automatically. In the following example, the target table partn_backup.tradfes_200801 does not exist. COPY_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE creates the table and replicates the partition. Vertica also copies all the constraints associated with the source table except foreign key constraints.

 1 distinct partition values copied at epoch 15.
(1 row)

See also

Archiving partitions


Drops the specified table partition keys.

Drops the specified table partition keys.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



    [, 'force-split']



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

The target table. The table cannot be used as a dimension table in a pre-join projection and cannot have out-of-date (unrefreshed) projections.
min-range-value, max-range-value
The minimum and maximum value of partition keys to drop, where min‑range‑value must be ≤ max‑range‑value. To specify a single partition key, min‑range‑value and max‑range‑value must be equal.

Optional Boolean argument, specifies whether to split ROS containers if the range of partition keys spans multiple containers or part of a single container:

  • true: Split ROS containers as needed.

  • false (default): Return with an error if ROS containers must be split to implement this operation.


One of the following:


  • Table owner

  • USAGE privileges on the table schema and TRUNCATE privileges on the table


See Dropping partitions.

See also



Dumps the partition keys of the specified projection.

Dumps the partition keys of the specified projection.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



DUMP_PROJECTION_PARTITION_KEYS( '[[database.]schema.]projection-name')



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Projection name


Non-superuser: TRUNCATE on anchor table


The following statements create the table and projection online_sales.online_sales_fact and online_sales.online_sales_fact_rep, respectively, and partitions table data by the column call_center_key:

=> CREATE TABLE online_sales.online_sales_fact
    sale_date_key int NOT NULL,
    ship_date_key int NOT NULL,
    product_key int NOT NULL,
    product_version int NOT NULL,
    customer_key int NOT NULL,
    call_center_key int NOT NULL,
    online_page_key int NOT NULL,
    shipping_key int NOT NULL,
    warehouse_key int NOT NULL,
    promotion_key int NOT NULL,
    pos_transaction_number int NOT NULL,
    sales_quantity int,
    sales_dollar_amount float,
    ship_dollar_amount float,
    net_dollar_amount float,
    cost_dollar_amount float,
    gross_profit_dollar_amount float,
    transaction_type varchar(16)
PARTITION BY (online_sales_fact.call_center_key);

=> CREATE PROJECTION online_sales.online_sales_fact_rep AS SELECT * from online_sales.online_sales_fact unsegmented all nodes;

The following DUMP_PROJECTION_PARTITION_KEYS statement dumps the partition key from the projection online_sales.online_sales_fact_rep:

=> SELECT DUMP_PROJECTION_PARTITION_KEYS('online_sales.online_sales_fact_rep');

Partition keys on node v_vmart_node0001
  Projection 'online_sales_fact_rep'
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: 200
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: 199
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: 2
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: 1

 Partition keys on node v_vmart_node0002
  Projection 'online_sales_fact_rep'
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: 200
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: 199
(1 row)

See also


Dumps the partition keys of all projections for the specified table.

Dumps the partition keys of all projections for the specified table.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



DUMP_TABLE_PARTITION_KEYS ( '[[database.]schema.]table-name' )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Name of the table


Non-superuser: TRUNCATE on table


The following example creates a simple table called states and partitions the data by state:

       state VARCHAR NOT NULL)
       PARTITION BY state;
=> CREATE PROJECTION states_p (state, year) AS
       SELECT * FROM states

Now dump the partition keys of all projections anchored on table states:

      DUMP_TABLE_PARTITION_KEYS                                                               --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Partition keys on node v_vmart_node0001
  Projection 'states_p'
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: VT
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: PA
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: NY
   Storage [ROS container]
     No of partition keys: 1
     Partition keys: MA

 Partition keys on node v_vmart_node0002
(1 row)

See also


Moves partitions from one table to another.

Moves partitions from one table to another.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



    '[[{namespace. | database. }]schema.]source-table',
    '[[{namespace. | database. }]schema.]target-table'
     [, force-split]


{ namespace. | database. }
Name of the database or namespace that contains table, depending on the mode of the database:
  • Eon Mode: name of the namespace to which the table belongs. If no namespace is specified, the table is assumed to be in the default_namespace. The namespaces of staging-table and target-table must have the same shard count.
  • Enterprise Mode: name of the database. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.
Name of the schema, by default public. If you specify the namespace or database name, you must provide the schema name, even if the schema is public.
The source table of the partitions to move.
min-range-value, max-range-value
The minimum and maximum value of partition keys to move, where min‑range‑value must be ≤ max‑range‑value. To specify a single partition key, min‑range‑value and max‑range‑value must be equal.
The target table of the partitions to move. If the table does not exist, Vertica creates a table from the source table's definition, by calling CREATE TABLE with LIKE and INCLUDING PROJECTIONS clause. The new table inherits ownership from the source table. For details, see Replicating a table.

Optional Boolean argument, specifies whether to split ROS containers if the range of partition keys spans multiple containers or part of a single container:

  • true: Split ROS containers as needed.

  • false (default): Return with an error if ROS containers must be split to implement this operation.


Non-superuser, one of the following:

  • Owner of source and target tables

  • SELECT, TRUNCATE on the source table, INSERT on the target table

If the target table does not exist, you must also have CREATE privileges on the target schema to enable table creation.

Table attribute requirements

The following attributes of both tables must be identical:

  • Column definitions, including NULL/NOT NULL constraints

  • Segmentation

  • Partition clause

  • Number of projections

  • Shard count (Eon Mode only)

  • Projection sort order

  • Primary and unique key constraints. However, the key constraints do not have to be identically enabled. For more information on constraints, see Constraints.

  • Check constraints. For MOVE_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE and COPY_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE, Vertica enforces enabled check constraints on the target table only. For SWAP_PARTITIONS_BETWEEN_TABLES, Vertica enforces enabled check constraints on both tables. If there is a violation of an enabled check constraint, Vertica rolls back the operation.

  • Number and definitions of text indices.

Additionally, If access policies exist on the source table, the following must be true:

  • Access policies on both tables must be identical.

  • One of the following must be true:

    • The executing user owns the source table.

    • AccessPolicyManagementSuperuserOnly is set to true. See Managing access policies for details.

Table restrictions

The following restrictions apply to the source and target tables:

  • If the source and target partitions are in different storage tiers, Vertica returns a warning but the operation proceeds. The partitions remain in their existing storage tier.

  • The target table cannot be immutable.

  • The following tables cannot be used as sources or targets:

    • Temporary tables

    • Virtual tables

    • System tables

    • External tables


See Archiving partitions.

See also


Splits containers for a specified projection.

Splits ROS containers for a specified projection. PARTITION_PROJECTION also purges data while partitioning ROS containers if deletes were applied before the AHM epoch.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



PARTITION_PROJECTION ( '[[database.]schema.]projection')



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

The projection to partition.


  • Table owner

  • USAGE privilege on schema


In this example, PARTITION_PROJECTION forces a split of ROS containers on the states_p projection:

 Projection partitioned
(1 row)

See also


Invokes the to reorganize ROS storage containers as needed to conform with the current partitioning policy.

Invokes the Tuple Mover to reorganize ROS storage containers as needed to conform with the current partitioning policy.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



PARTITION_TABLE ( '[schema.]table-name')



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

The table to partition.


  • Table owner

  • USAGE privilege on schema


  • You cannot run PARTITION_TABLE on a table that is an anchor table for a live aggregate projection or a Top-K projection.

  • To reorganize storage to conform to a new policy, run PARTITION_TABLE after changing the partition GROUP BY expression.

See also


Purges a table partition of deleted rows.

Purges a table partition of deleted rows. Similar to PURGE and PURGE_PROJECTION, this function removes deleted data from physical storage so you can reuse the disk space. PURGE_PARTITION removes data only from the AHM epoch and earlier.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



PURGE_PARTITION ( '[[database.]schema.]table', partition-key )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

The partitioned table to purge.
The key of the partition to purge.


  • Table owner

  • USAGE privilege on schema


The following example lists the count of deleted rows for each partition in a table, then calls PURGE_PARTITION() to purge the deleted rows from the data.

=> SELECT partition_key,table_schema,projection_name,sum(deleted_row_count)
   AS deleted_row_count FROM partitions
   GROUP BY partition_key,table_schema,projection_name
   ORDER BY partition_key;

 partition_key | table_schema | projection_name | deleted_row_count
 0             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 1             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 2             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 3             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 4             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 5             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 6             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 7             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 8             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 9             | public       | t_super         |                 1
(10 rows)
=> SELECT PURGE_PARTITION('t',5); -- Purge partition with key 5.
 Task: merge partitions
(Table: public.t) (Projection: public.t_super)
(1 row)

=> SELECT partition_key,table_schema,projection_name,sum(deleted_row_count)
   AS deleted_row_count FROM partitions
   GROUP BY partition_key,table_schema,projection_name
   ORDER BY partition_key;

 partition_key | table_schema | projection_name | deleted_row_count
 0             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 1             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 2             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 3             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 4             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 5             | public       | t_super         |                 0
 6             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 7             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 8             | public       | t_super         |                 2
 9             | public       | t_super         |                 1
(10 rows)

See also


Swaps partitions between two tables.

Swaps partitions between two tables.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



    '[[{namespace. | database. }]schema.]staging-table',
    '[[{namespace. | database. }]schema.]target-table'
     [, force-split]


{ namespace. | database. }
Name of the database or namespace that contains table, depending on the mode of the database:
  • Eon Mode: name of the namespace to which the table belongs. If no namespace is specified, the table is assumed to be in the default_namespace. The namespaces of staging-table and target-table must have the same shard count.
  • Enterprise Mode: name of the database. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.
Name of the schema, by default public. If you specify the namespace or database name, you must provide the schema name, even if the schema is public.
The staging table from which to swap partitions.
min-range-value, max-range-value
The minimum and maximum value of partition keys to swap, where min‑range‑value must be ≤ max‑range‑value. To specify a single partition key, min‑range‑value and max‑range‑value must be equal.
The table to which the partitions are to be swapped. The target table cannot be the same as the staging table.

Optional Boolean argument, specifies whether to split ROS containers if the range of partition keys spans multiple containers or part of a single container:

  • true: Split ROS containers as needed.

  • false (default): Return with an error if ROS containers must be split to implement this operation.


Non-superuser, one of the following:

  • Owner of source and target tables

  • Target and source tables: TRUNCATE, INSERT, SELECT


The following attributes of both tables must be identical:

  • Column definitions, including NULL/NOT NULL constraints

  • Segmentation

  • Partition clause

  • Number of projections

  • Shard count (Eon Mode only)

  • Projection sort order

  • Primary and unique key constraints. However, the key constraints do not have to be identically enabled. For more information on constraints, see Constraints.

  • Check constraints. For MOVE_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE and COPY_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE, Vertica enforces enabled check constraints on the target table only. For SWAP_PARTITIONS_BETWEEN_TABLES, Vertica enforces enabled check constraints on both tables. If there is a violation of an enabled check constraint, Vertica rolls back the operation.

  • Number and definitions of text indices.

Additionally, If access policies exist on the source table, the following must be true:

  • Access policies on both tables must be identical.

  • One of the following must be true:

    • The executing user owns the target table.

    • AccessPolicyManagementSuperuserOnly is set to true.


The following restrictions apply to the source and target tables:

  • If the source and target partitions are in different storage tiers, Vertica returns a warning but the operation proceeds. The partitions remain in their existing storage tier.

  • The target table cannot be immutable.

  • The following tables cannot be used as sources or targets:

    • Temporary tables

    • Virtual tables

    • System tables

    • External tables


See Swapping partitions.